In order to find a product's serial number, you will have to log in a few times. · Follow the steps mentioned below. · Go to and click on Customer Support in the top navigation pane. Click on “Login” to start your installation of Adobe. To find your serial number, please enter the product and then click on “Get Serial Number” and “Continue”. After a few seconds, you will have your serial number in front of you.: Click to download a list of expired software serial numbers. . How to Find Serial Number of Your Software in Windows 7 and 8 Dec 28, 2025 — Here are the product keys found. 1. Adobe Reader 6.1 2. Adobe Imagery 6.1 3. Adobe InDesign 6.1 4. Lightroom 5.1 × × × × 5. PowerPoint 7.0 × × × × × 6. Photoshop CC 5.1 × × × × × 7. Silver light 6.1 and higher 8. Illustrator CC 6.1 and higher 9. Photoshop Elements 5.5 and above 10. Photoshop CS 6.1 and above 11. Adobe Publisher 6.1 and higher 12. Adobe Media Encoder 6.0 and higher 13. Autodesk Maya 4.3.1 and higher 14. Autodesk 3D Studio Max 7.7 or higher 15. Autodesk AutoCAD 2014+ 16. Autodesk Refit 2014+ 17. AutoCAD 2013+ 18. Rhino 3.0 or earlier 19. OpenS CAD 2017+ 20. Autodesk Fusion 360 5.1 or higher 21. Autodesk Model Lab 2014+ 22. Autodesk Refit 5.1 and higher 23. Autodesk SolidWorks 2015+ 24. Autodesk Refit 2017+ 25. Autodesk Refit 2016+ 26. Autodesk Refit 2015+ 27. Autodesk Refit 2016+ 28. Autodesk Model Studio 2014+ 29. Autodesk Refit 2015+ 30. Autodesk Modeling Suite 2011+ 31. Autodesk Refit 2016+ 32. Maya 2017+ 33. SolidWorks 2016+ 34. Fusion+ 35. Rhino 2017+ 36.