If you would like to add page numbering further to the first part of your document, you can go to Insert > Page Number > More > Page and scroll down until you find the page you want to start numbering by. STEP 2. Insert the number in the footer of page 3 · In the Insert tab, choose Page Number. Insert page numbers — Microsoft Support It's always important to use footer numbers since they serve to give additional information about the document and are a good place to note important details. For example, if you chose not to use footer numbers on the second page in a Microsoft Word 2025 document, you would put the number 1 in the center of the upper right side of the page. Use footer numbers — Library Tutorials If you need to insert the number in a different place in the footer, you can add the number to the footer of any page by selecting the Insert tab and choosing Footer. How to make a reference list of content at the end of a Word file that is not part of the document — Windows Support The “Start With” option enables you to specify at least one number starting on a specific page or paragraph where to start numbering; this will prevent you from making the same mistake as if you had chosen to start numbering at the first page. If you are counting from an arbitrary point in the document, you will want to start numbering at that same point.