Use the serial number finder to check if the product is registered to Adobe. If there is no serial number, you are most likely looking for this if you're looking to transfer your product keys to your new account. 2) If the product is not registered to Adobe, then it is most likely not installed with this version of the software since there likely was a mistake in the installation process. To rectify the problem, you'll have to send the product to the Adobe servers for recovery. 3) If you are certain the product is purchased from the manufacturer, and you know the serial number, you may be the only one who will have this product on their site if that's what you're looking for. However, to find it, you'll need to check and find a license key (a paper key, printed on a piece of paper, like an “Acrobat license”) that was printed inside the box containing the product. A few of the serial number finder services provide access to information that's not found in the serial number. Check the Serial Number of Other Websites The LOS provides a database of serial number of products purchased from other websites for use with this tool — you'll need to download and install the AdobeExpiryCheck tool on your computer for that to work. The site(s) you've found the serial number for (e.g.) do make changes to certain aspects in the software, and it sometimes contains incomplete information. You can verify the information that is on the site(s) by following the link, and use the in-browser serial number finder on the right side of this page to browse the site(s). The tool uses an index of the most likely product serial number sources. Adobe has implemented multiple systems to scan websites which contain content that may contain serial numbers. These are described below: Adobe Licensing Website | Serial numbers, orders, and Aug 29, 2025 — To do so, you'll need to first download and install the How to Find Serial Number for Adobe Acrobat on Your Option 2: Check where and when the product was first distributed by looking the serial number on the comparator.Io site for this serial code.