Add names, page numbers, or date & time to a page in Word Select a paragraph in a document. Press F1 to show the character set for the selected paragraph. Select Edit > Copy as New Character. Drag the character from the highlighted area into the desired type to insert your own content. Note: This option may not work with many formatting packages. If it doesn't work, find the character in your computer's character map, or in a font you created with Microsoft Font Studio. Copy page numbers from a Word document to the Clipboard Open the document. In Word, tap or click the page number in the header/footer. From the menu, choose Insert > Page Numbering. Choose the style and location. Choose the typeface and style. Copy character/s from a line below the current line to the Clipboard (if your system allows). When you're done adding a page to another document, tap or click the Clipboard. Turn Your Screen Green to Get Faster Responses During Email If using an email program, click on the Settings button in the top left corner of the document and select Use a Page Numbering Format.