Page Numbers in Word 2025 and Microsoft Word Tip: If you want to use a different page numbering style in Word, you can choose to have the first page starting from 1 or different page number styles, Create a new page in Word and place page numbers there — TechCrunch, Mashable, Gizmo do, The New York Times, and Slate Tip: If you're working on a document and need to insert page numbers later in a future document, you can just turn pages, and you're good to go. The page numbering will stay in the document you're working on. Tip: If you find yourself changing or removing a page number format, keep in mind that you'll also need to delete the original version of the document if you want to keep it. Pages that count — The New York Times, USA Today Tip: Page numbers can be used as a marker for which version of the document you're dealing with. If you've recently changed the formatting in Word when you work on a document, and you start formatting a version of the document in Word that no longer matches current word counts, your work will automatically be affected. You can just keep deleting the offending Word document and re-adding page numbers by using the correct version later on, and things should go back to normal. Pages don't matter on the web, why do you need number lines in a document? — The New York Times Tip: Page numbers don't have to make up a full page; they can be anywhere in the document, and can even be indented from the other main content on the page. However, to ensure your page numbering works consistently across all of your pages that use the same numbering style, you may need to have the page-number markers be in the header area.