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What Is A Bates Stamp Legal: What You Should Know

Bates Number — Wikipedia Bates Stamping is a process of “electronically applying a number to an image” or even a scanned image, to “mark it and make it retrievable” if its copyright is owned. Bates stamps can be applied to  “bases for digital identification” — The Law Firm News A Bates stamp or a number code can be attached to an image or printed on paper and affixed to the electronic information to indicate the source, copy or copy status in an electronic catalog or database system. As an example, Bates number may be displayed on images scanned in order to make electronic  Bates Numbering 101: History, Usage and Tutorial — Thomson Reuters Bates Stamping is a process of “electronically applying a number to an image” or even a scanned image, to “mark it and make it retrievable” if its copyright is owned. Bates stamps can be applied to  “bases for digital identification” — The Law Firm News A Bates stamp or a number code can be attached to an image or printed on paper and affixed to the electronic information to indicate the source, copy or copy status in an electronic catalog or database system. As an example, Bates number may be displayed on images scanned in order to make electronic Bates Numbering 101: History, Usage and Tutorial — Thomson Reuters Bates Stamping is a process of “electronically applying a number to an image” or even a scanned image, to “mark it and make it retrievable” if its copyright is owned. Bates stamps can be applied to  “bases for digital identification” — The Law Firm News How Does Bates Stamping work? — The Law Firm News. A Bates number is an alphanumeric code that attaches to the contents of the file or the page in question such that each page can be identified as coming from this source and the copy is identified as coming from another source. A  Bates Stamping 101: History, Usage and Tutorial — Thomson Reuters states:  “This page has a Bates number of 101 – 101.1” Bates Numbers are a Unique Identifier to Identify Content — The Law Firm News How does Bates Stamping work? — The Law Firm News.

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