In Documents tab (the only place in the ribbon where files can be selected) and browse as below: Sep 23, 2025 — The easiest way to bate number PDF documents is to use an open document in the open document folder of the original PDF. The following file type names are used in this example: pdf.html aPDF.tif and PDF_1a.pdf and PDF_1b.pdf. The opening file name is the same as the file size, so you need to ensure that all file names are the same. Here is the example: Here is an example with a .htm document and .docx document: Click open Folder” > Documents tab and browse to Documents > a PDF. Click open Files” and browse to Documents > PDFs > a PDF. Please note that you should keep the file names and file size the same. Also click view Files” if not all files you want to bate are displayed. If you are using the default file extension (for example you have set your default extension as .pdf) you will need to click advanced Options” to make the file system aware of file extensions. You can click the file's name in the left column of the Add Bates Number dialog box. Alternatively you can click Browse. You can change the size of the original document and the number of digits by clicking general Options”. You can drag any file you want from the folder. By default, the original file extension is set to .pdf. The above can be combined with the insert Files With a Link” function (general Options”). The below picture shows how two PDF files can be combined into one. Click insert Files” > Files tab > Files To Bates > The PDFs tab > Links and then select the second PDF file from the folder. May 22, 2025 — If you have a PDF Converter 7.0 license or higher and want to use another version of the Conversion Assistant, you will have to download the latest version using the Download link above and activate the option in the Converter. If you have bought Converter 7.0 Advanced or the latest upgrade of Converter 7.0 Professional you have the option to download the Converter 7.0 Advanced without activating the license. If you have bought Converter 7.