Product Number is 7-4189 Product code: KQ01BQ3K. Product name: Acrobat Pro. Product version: 6.0.0 Adobe Acrobat DC (all versions) -5014 Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (all versions) -5014 Extended serial number OD Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional V. 6.0.0 19.05.2003. S/N: SV079DUQ-4YT3-6D8T6-6A7JZ. Product Key: KT01BQ3K. Product Number is 6A7JZ. Product name: Acrobat Pro. Product version: 6.0.0 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (all versions) -5014 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (all versions) -5014 Serial Number: 1A01-CAB3A10. Product Key: KL-4BQK-T-V7B3-9QF-D7E2D. Product name: Acrobat Pro. Product version: 6.0.0. Product name is different from the one in the serial number file. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (all versions) Serial Number: 1A01-CAB3A10 Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (all versions) Serial Number: 1A01-CAB3A10 Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (all versions) Serial Number: 1A01-CAB3A10 Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (all versions) Serial Number: 1A01-CAB3A10 Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (all versions) Serial Number: 1A01-CAB3A10 For any of these products, the version numbers listed here must match the version listed in Product Key, Product Version in the Serial Number file. Adobe Acrobat (all versions) Serial Number file Adobe Acrobat DC (all versions) Serial Number files Adobe Acrobat Professional (all versions): All versions Adobe Acrobat Professional DC (all versions): All versions Extended serial number OD Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional V. 6.0.0 19.05.2003.