Add Text to PDF Another way how you can add text to the PDF is using the ‛Text ‛ option. The options are: text, HTML, Plain Text and Code. Click the ‛Text‛ button to add text on the newly created PDF document. Add a List of Pages Add a list of pages to the PDF by clicking Add. Then, choose your list of pages. To place your list of pages on the PDF document scroll to the Add Page section and click on Place. The Add and Place sections work with text and images. To place the text, click Place. In my previous tutorials you will have learned to add header and footer to PDF files, but there is more to do in it. Check the following tutorial to learn how to add footer and footer to PDF Documents in the most efficient way. To place footer, click Place and choose your format of footer: standard, full-row, full-column, fixed footer, page number. Then, under the Change Page section, you need to choose a page: the PDF file or your list of pages. To add footer, click Add. Click Insert Footer to insert a footer, and choose a format: standard, full-row, full-column, fixed footer, page number.