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How To Put Ink In Numbering Machine: What You Should Know

Each refill is hand labeled so your pens and ink  are protected and the system you purchased will last a lifetime. Easy to use. A few simple instructions. Automatic Numbering Machine Tips The number and date may fall out of the wheel if too many numbers are on the same line.  If a line of letters is too wide for the wheel, put a little of wax inside it to increase the size of the letters. Make sure the tip is wide enough for the ink to flow into the barrel. It is easier to ink from the front  than the back. Ink is denser at the front of the barrel. Dry-erase the strip at the beginning and end of your ink run. If you have a numbering machine, that's good, if not your stencil needs changing you can try this: place your stencil (if you have one) on top of the numbering pad, then ink the center of each strip of the stencil then press down on top of it to put a firm pressure on the stencil. You'll end up with a nice little indent on the back of your stencil that holds it nice and firm. Note: the ink will be lighter the closer the strip is to the edges of the stencil. If your ink is clogging your counting drum, put some wax inside it until it no longer clogs. Once done, you  will be able to get back to work quicker. Make Sure Your Ink Cartridge Is Clean Many machines have the option of a spray bottle that can be set up to automatically clean the ink cartridge. To do this, the user must turn on the ink cartridge, turn on the cart and make sure there is no cartridge that is not filled, or has been tampered with. After cleaning the ink cartridge the machine will use a chemical cleaner to dissolve the ink in the cartridge. This is a great trick to use if the tube has been damaged, so it is difficult to remove the cartridge. Once the ink is completely wiped clean, a small amount of soap-free wax will be left in the ink bottle.  Spray the wax on your numbering machine's ink refill for the next ink run. Automatic Numbering Machines Tips The number and date may fall out of the wheel if too many numbers are on the same line.

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