See full code below: Create dynamic stamp without date (JavaScript) It takes only a few lines of code from above to insert a form field with date but doesn't look at the user info unless you include a username (see code below): Select or clear the Form Field with the specified value for the Form Field without Date or Username. — See Enter the value of the Form Field without Date (i.e. “D.W.”) In the field without date and click OK — see code below: Create dynamic stamp with date and username but without form field — Adobe support This one is not as easy due to the use of the built-in Stamp. However, it works great. I like using the built-in stamps when doing a quick edit because it's easy to get things there and then add additional form fields on top before it's done — this eliminates a lot of additional code but not the work of having to add fields of my own. I wrote a simple script for inserting form fields without an Author, date or username Use the new script, enter the name of the form that you used the built-in stamp for, the Author and Date and click Create. It automatically created a form with an author, date and username, but didn't look at anything in the PDF. You can look at the source and see the other ways to add fields, too. Solving Form field without date and username By default these fields will show for your creation of any PDF when this is added as a stamp. So it's very easy to create that form and then delete it to solve the problem: Create a dummy form field that shows for creation, date and username. And if you don't need the author and date and username, just remove the field. Enter a date and username, and press OK to cancel creation.