Q. How do I format a new set of numbers within the same section? On the Format tab, select the Tab button on the left side of the main screen, then Click new Tab. From the New Tab sub menu, click on Table (Page), then choose The table number of the first row. Click click and make a vertical mark around the right-hand edge of every page by dragging. Click‐Done. Q. How do I include the number of a page in another section of the same document? On the first row of the Main Table, Select the Table number on the left, then drag the number to change it. From the right-hand side, Drag the other section number. On the Right Side, the number in the second row of the Main Table. Q. How do I format pages in Microsoft Word 2025 and 2010? On the Insert tab, choose the left arrow to add the number, then go into the main area, and from the Main Table, choose the right arrow that appears to add the number. Q. How do I format pages in Microsoft Word 2012? On the Insert tab, choose the middle arrow to add the number, then go into the main area, highlight the first row of the Table and to the left of the table, click and Drag the number and to change it. From the left-hand side, Drag the other section number. Q. How do I format pages in Microsoft Office 365 from Office 365 Peoples? On the Insert tab, Choose the Insert Button, and on the Insert tab choose The Insert Tab, which is located at the top of the main screen, select The Number Drop-down button and add the number 1. On the number drop-down, choose Inverted (i) and click OK Then select Enter a number, and type one, and then click OK. Q. How do I format pages in Excel 2010? On the Insert tab, choose the Insert button, and on the Insert tab choose the tab called Layout, from it choose the left arrow, and on the left arrow Choose page(s)/Table/Spreadsheet, and from there choose the tab called Cells. Then, from the cells' cell, choose the number, and then the other numbers after are automatically selected after the number, and then click OK.