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As A Programmer?

Laziness is the mother of automation. We automate things to reach a state of “no more problems” ,as soon as possible. When end users repeatedly expect the same task , we programmers explore readily available one click solutions for such requests. While I started to work in a company, there was already an application which went by the name “reports on demand” wherein users could download a set of daily reports when t wished from their terminals across the intranet. A situation arose where users could not find reports in the expected location and unnecessary requests for sending the reports increased. What do i come up with. “reports on request” - provide the user reports only when he/she is not arrogant.i.e it is requested and not demanded. Managers are time keepers. T are obsessed with time taken for various activities to quote in their meetings with higher management. Going by the log each time for each job and summarizing was not easy. So there comes - # A script made exclusively for those who like to dig up history. On another occasion there was a need to create URL links for 1000s of branch folders and users needed all the links to be under favorites of internet explorer. I came up with an idea. The IP addresses of each branch node location was stored in a separate file in Unix in the following format. | | | | Now , If you go to “Favorites” folder in C.Drive and open any file with .url extension from a text editor . you will see lines like the below. [InternetShortcut] URL=ftp.// IDList= [Branding] Then I copied these 1000s of .url files generated from the script to the Favorites folder. Voila!. Now t appear automatically in the Favorites tab of Internet explorer.

Add Page Numbers to PDF: All You Need to Know

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