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Can I Assign Two Different Sets Of Page Numbers In A Document?

This is how to do it in Word 2007. Different releases might have somewhat different procedures for this task, but t will be generally the same. On the Insert tab, click Header, then select Edit Header down near the bottom of the pull-down menu that appears. This opens the Options tab. In the Options panel, click the box for Different First Page. Enter whatever text you want on the first page, then click the X over on the right to close the header.

Add Page Numbers to PDF: All You Need to Know

This will give you more pages in Word that would otherwise be lost. You can also have a separate PDF for every single column as PDF. It is more suitable for large type use where it is more common to have many columns. Here is an example of how I would have used it if I had no access to a computer: As you can see that the second page numbers aren't in the right place and in all the following columns, so it means I just copy the first page number out of the PDF and replace it as I needed. You'll need to print the PDF out and place it over the original and the page numbers in the same columns won't be there. Not a problem as all the other pages are duplicated from the original, so you only need the one column to be the blank one. (If.

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