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Did You Find Your Roll Number In The Recently Released Upsc Prelims?

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Did You Find Your Roll Number In The Recently Released Upsc Prelims?

I can tell you the best method which works for me. You need to read 3 things atleast 2 times with 2 3 revisions. Firstly Read all the NCERT from class 6 to 12 Read once Class 11 physical geography is the most imp read it carefully and take notes. For Quick guidance take help of youtube there are lots of options available. I suggest Ajit Tiwari sir from Unacademy. Secondly Do G.C. Leong carefully 1 2 times it's look very small book but it's not. read every chapter 2 3 times and also doo Revise Third Watch geography series of Ajit Tiwari sir from Unacademy Very very helpful. Within 2–3 weeks this can be done. You'll be champion in geography. Thanks me later. All the best !!

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