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Has The Number Of People With Mental Illness Increased Over The Years?

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Has The Number Of People With Mental Illness Increased Over The Years?

We are not getting better at diagnosis only…no not at all! In the year 2000 perhaps the World Psychiatric Association had decided that t want to address this mental health treatment gap in the whole world and t have been investing SO MUCH on propaganda you cannot imagine. Ok I am sharing a little bit from my PhD thesis- all that I am tryign to suggest is that there is a huge plan in place for a long time to make mental health central to the people of the world, and it is a Global Agenda. Nowadays there is also a Global Mental Health Movement in place, which lay people are unaware of- spreading ideas about how much mental illness is there and how people should be treated for it. (and NO I am not a conspiracy theorist, I have earned a PhD due to this work) ‘In May 2012 the World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA 65.4’, notes Ivbijaro (2012), ‘and charged the World Health Organization (WHO) with the development of an action plan to respond to this’. In response the WHO came up with the zero draft of the Global Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020. I studied the zero draft of the Global Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 to examine what recommendations were made to individual nations and how were rights of ‘patients’ defined[1]. The document has a time frame which ‘covers the period from 2013 to 2020. Within this period, intermediate targets are also specified’[2] (WHO, 2012, p.6). ‘The zero draft of the Global Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 proposes a global vision and some core principles including universal access and equity in mental health; the promotion of human rights; the application of evidence-based practice; the adoption of a life course approach; the adoption of a multisectoral approach and the empowerment of people with mental disorders (ibid). [2]The Global Mental Health Action Plan will have the following objectives. (1) To strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health (2) To provide comprehensive, integrated and responsive mental health and social care services in community-based settings (3) To implement strategies for mental health promotion and protection, including actions to prevent mental disorders and suicides (4) To strengthen information systems, evidence and research for mental health (WHO, 2012, p.6)

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