At the point when you made your 2FA sign with most accounts, including Google, t gave you backup codes. Store these as you do your private key. Try not to store them to your PC/dropbox and don’t send/post it. You can also print out the QR code itself and keep it discrete. In the event that t are as one, it's not 2FA. It could be shockingly simple to bypass your 2FA and recapture access to every one of your records - not impossible. Also, if someone has access to your accounts, it is likely that he will also find out your phone number. I would actually strongly encourage everyone to take a break, turn off phone, and try to find what accounts you can get into without your 2FA codes (there are many ways to generate secure QR code, here is one nice example. QR Code Generator). If you can get it, you only need to configure your 2FA settings, because you want to be secure. After doing this, you will be able to safely rely on your QR codes…
It's better not to ever have the phone in your pocket. So far this article was my own personal experience on getting the “simple thing” right. Hopefully, after reading it, you'll also be able to get the “simple thing” right for yourself. The same information is available in the following link: If you have a similar problem, feel free to ask me your questions in the comments section below. Please note — the information in this article is not the final word on “how to set up 2FA”, there is the official 2FA page. There are also numerous resources on the Web where newbies and even expert security professionals can learn about this method.