Write content with is user friendly and make user more engaging. Try to make backlinks on natural keywords. And Always try to connect most of the pages of your website. Internal link each and every pages. But again which make link genuine.
How to make a successful Blog. I will say something very important here. Be patient. Let your writing flow nicely. Your content, your style, everything you write has to have its own voice. What you say will resonate well with the reader. Your goal of your blog is to draw the reader to your site. How do you attract a visitor? ? There are 3 things that make someone come to your blog: Be clear, concise. Make a difference in your visitor's life. Show them why you should follow your blog (like our site is helping them) Make some value for our members to keep them coming back here. How to Blog properly. Write in your own voice. Use keywords and write about things that interest you. Try to show us which keywords you are using on your blog and when you do so, it will help you more. Don't be the lazy writer, be the writer and tell stories Write.