First of all, going by the clarity which has been portrayed by you in drafting the question, I don't see any grammatical errors and the question has a good flow. I suppose it is your mental framework which is pushing you backward. I have the following suggestions for you. Writing in any language is not just about using cranky words, its about whether you can express your thoughts in a simple way. It is necessary to deliver the message clearly. One important virtue which you need to develop is to come across new words on a daily basis and include them into your speaking vocabulary. This would improve your writing skills. Start sending articles to publications on subjects which interest you. Even if few/ all are rejected, you will be able to garner experience with each article. Answer as many questions you can on Quora so as to improve on your writing skills. Wishing you most and more in your writing career. Hope this was useful.
Yours Sincerely Akshay Rat hi, A. B Computer Science, IIT Madras. Dear Akshay, Thanks for your feedback. There are a few fundamental flaws in the question. 1. You start the sentence with “And this is ...” The sentence itself does nothing to clarify which questions should be answered first. If there is a first answer which you are supposed to ask, the sentence doesn't specify that. So, it would be better to start with “And I have read ...”, and if you know the first answer, then simply give the answer. 2. You begin the question with “You ask ...” The sentence is not about 'asking' the question; it is about answering the question. It just means you should ask the questions. So, if you begin with “You ask, etc. ...”, you are basically saying “You go to a site and search for this topic”. Which is not something that would qualify as.