There's actually an option when you go to a record on Ancestry, I believe the top right, that'll let you print the record directly from the site. I've never done this, so I'm not sure if it'll print the document itself or just the whole page. There's also the option to screenshot the document like another person has suggested, then email it to yourself or just save it to your computer. From there you can print it out to your liking! Good luck!
Some books will print larger in certain circumstances, and in rare cases, books. And if you happen to have a photo collection where you have to make many photo prints. If you have an extremely high resolution photo collection, it can actually be quite helpful for you in a particular case. There are also many alternative formats. You might have a big collection of photos of your family history as photos on a CD. You print those (or scan them/photoshop them, which are both easy). Furthermore, you may have a collection of handwritten letter files and/or diary entries. You may have a huge collection of scrapbooks and scraped and cut up newspaper clippings. Maybe a photo album with photos from all the family's vacations. And so on. There are just too many options to discuss each one on this page. Try the following resources. GESTAPOS, ANDRIY: A Guide to GED COM.