If you are planning to submit your work as a manuscript, these are pretty standard rules. Use a 1″ margin on all sides Use a title page. Don’t number the title page. Begin numbering with the first page of the text of the book, usually the introduction, prologue, or chapter one. Use a header on each page, including your name, the title of your novel in all caps, and the page number. Start each new chapter on its own page, one-third of the way down the page. The chapter number and chapter title should be in all caps, separated by two hyphens. CHAPTER 1—THE BODY. Begin the body of the chapter four to six lines below the chapter title. Indent fives spaces for each new paragraph. Double-space the entire text. Use a standard font, 12-point type. Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier is fine Use 20-lb. bond paper. These are not carved in stone, but you will want to give your work the best possible chance of being picked from the piles of manuscripts that are received, and of pleasing the reader. The format will help…the rest is up to you!!
What about the rest of this letter, you asked? I would suggest you include: — A brief synopsis of your story. — A list of characters, if you have any. — Some background on the setting you've chosen. — A table of contents. — Proofreading (which will help with layout but not be necessary) — A letter from your editor about things you can do to polish your book If you are ready to send in your work, send it, and we will get started. All of us at Newsreaders, or any of the other authors we know personally, would like to read your novel. We encourage you to read the books of our friends, and we are confident that if you have nothing bad to say, we can find it. The good news is that we have plenty of good reading material. There are many of us, and we read a lot. We recommend starting.