Yes, by using TrafficBotPro, you can easily make it. TrafficBotPro can auto search keywords, auto click, auto input, auto scroll etc.. Increase your site's rank in search engines and Shopping sites. Click yourself AD to make fast money or beat your competitors by clicking their AD automatically. increase views and welcome the arrival of advertisers, get more impressions easily. MULTI THREADED The ability to set multiple threads/tasks up to a unlimited amount on all purchase plans is what makes this software different than others. If your pc can handle it you can deliver your views in seconds! ADVANCED FINGERPRINTING Each device will emulate a real device in every single way. Example if you create a Spanish language device, you can set the software to auto generate a correct timezone identifier, a matching proxy and a matching geolocation coordinates for that language. DEVICE EMULATION One of the key features that a traffic bot must have is the ability to simulate a device completely. We take care of every single parameter that you can imagine that makes it possible to track a single device!
RETRIES OF TRACKING You can run the code to track your devices manually or with a few clicks! It's not hard to imagine what you can learn and accomplish through using all the tracking options! COMPETITIVE AND COMPETITIVE You can make your own tests and compare your traffic bots from different sites! EASY TO RUN and TO MANAGE Your TrafficBotPro package is 100% FREE! NO WARRANTY — The software may be buggy, broken or outdated! If you have any questions that are not answered on our website, the support department is always available. If you have any questions about the software's features, its features or about traffic bots in general, please use our online forums. Follow us on Twitter and get some real action using all of our social media tools.