The ‘trick’ involved in “… link(ing) to a PDF document…” is to first know where the PDF is located via it’s fully qualified file name (e.g. path of folders and file name) on your PC, or it’s URL (Universal Resources Locator) on the Internet. LOCAL A local link might typically be used inside a Word or Excel document to a local PDF. Here’s a sample fully qualified file name from my local PC C.\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\2SSCom Favorites\Maintenance Regiment & Support tools from 2SS. Com\Brochure Win 7,8,10 MAINTENNACE REGIMENT.pdf (A space at 2SS.|Com above to keep Quora form misinterpreting.) Linking to that PDF document in Word involves typing the desired ‘link text’ (I used ’Sample PDF’), selecting and right-clicking on that text, and then choosing the [Link] command which displays the ‘Insert Hyperlink’ window as shown in the sample below. INTERNET Linking to that PDF document online, or so that it’s available to link to from anywhere (e.g. inside a document, EMail message, website, Quora answer, etc.) involves similar steps to do whatever is needed to create a working (e.g. ‘click-able’) link. In Word or Excel using some ‘link text’ or even an image, the steps are the same as above, but with the the URL inserted as the ‘Address’ at the bottom, instead of the fully qualified file name. If no ‘link text’ is desired in Word, Excel, an HTML Email message, or even a Quora answer you can paste-in the full link. Here’s a working sample. Finally, here’s another example of linking a PDF using Quora’s tools to link the sample PDF to some ‘link text’… Sample PDF
Then it is necessary for the users to open the PDF file and select the desired page in which they can find the split PDF file. After the opening, it is possible for them to open the PDF file only by clicking on the selected target in the program using PDFelement8. Instruction 3. To prepare the PDF document for editing it, it is essential that the original PDF file is deleted from the system or computer and also if it has already been opened. In this case, the document cannot be opened again without deleting it from the system or from the original PDF file. In addition, the original PDF document must first be converted into an XML file by Adobe reader. Once the converted XML file is on the system, Adobe Reader would be able to edit it. Once the document is completed, it should be saved into a.