The cost of getting an ICO off the ground is not universally set. It depends on what product do you offer and who you partner with. The prices always vary, but here’s a list of things you could orient to. Whitepaper (including reviews) - $10K - $20K. The core content must come from the company. All content for your ICO comes from the whitepaper, so you should not be cheap on that. Website - $5K - $20K. You need a good-looking, functional and fast website translated into several languages. You also have to buy all versions of your website name in all top domains, in all countries, to ensure that nobody spoofs your website. Token ERC 20 - $10K - $20K (including exchange placement) Advisors - 1% - 2% of the equity. You will need advisors to boost the credibility of your ICO. Smart Contract Audit - $10K - $50K. It needs to be designed, coded and audited perfectly. The complexity determines the cost. Marketing - $20K - $100K and further to eternity per month. Community Management - $10K - $50K. Slack, Telegram and others. Legal Fees - $20K - $100K Project Management - $5K - $10K per month. Rough Total - $125K - $450K. Depends on the level of service and work you do yourself. Salaries, travels, office space and cyber security steps will cost additional funds.
There is no way to make it cheaper than that. But again, I will repeat: the price will always be higher if you do things yourself. There's no one-size-fits-all solution to get an ICO off the ground. You need to get involved at a company of your choice and negotiate the best possible deal with their lawyers. This is not just “get some friends together and pitch an ICO for the fun of it.” It takes a lot of work, skills and money to get an ICO off the ground. There's a reason why I've done it for so many days — it's a tedious process that requires a lot of time and expertise. So please, if you are considering an ICO, have a good idea of how much it will cost to get one off the ground. It helps you assess the risk.