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How Do You Write A Book And Publish It?

Firs by t, write the story. Second, have it professionally edited. Talk about the book on social media and see if there is any interest by offering the book to beta readers for comments and reviews. Consider if you want to traditional or self publish your book. Do your homework about which publishing method is best for you.

Add Page Numbers to PDF: All You Need to Know

How do you plan to pay for it. Do the research, but know what you're getting into. The more you know, the better it will make it. So, What Will You Do Now? Once you've chosen which option you want to go with, then you need to plan it and get your materials together. There are a number of online services that will do the heavy lifting. Here is my list of 6 online publishing packages. Each package includes: 1. Custom cover design for your novel. 2. Text cover design. 3. Custom and/or professional cover type, including header. 4. Digital book creation. 5. Digital distribution. 6. Author certification, including ISBN/ISBN-13/ISBN-10/ISBN-20. You can read samples of these packages here. These are only suggestions that might help you in your plan of attack, and it's by no means a guarantee. But, if you want to know more about the publishing process, or the pros and cons of each option, then you should read up. In.

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