While talking about a claim payment in General Insurance, it's always advisable to remember this abbreviation, DSAVE D- Depreciation S- Salvage Av- Average E- Excess So when a car is totaled, the authorised surveyor, who is appointed by the insurer, evaluates the depreciated value of the car based on the Year of purchase of the Vehicle. Hence depreciation is accounted for and adjusted first. The next step will be the assessment of the salvage. The car wreck is valued by a Salver in presence of the Surveyor and this value is adjusted too, since the Salver would pay the Vehicle owner for the wreck value. Hence this amount is deducted from the Claim. Average is not really considered for an Automobile insurance since there is no concept of Under Insurance. As far as Motor Vehicle Insurance is concerned, the vehicle value is agreed on mutual consent by both the insurer and the proposer at the time of proposal. The last deduction will be Excess. This is an agreed amount while proposition of Insurance which has to be borne by the insured for each and every claim. So Claim Payment for a Totaled car = Insured Declared value-(Depreciation+Salvage+Excess) Simple as it may seem, in real life scenarios, the evaluation and agreement of each and every section mentioned above is a complex process.
The most common error in the analysis of this subject is to forget the first steps and get caught up by other factors which, due to changes in technology are not being tracked by the modern day Insurance department. There are three aspects in the total calculation of the vehicle valuation which are: Depreciation, Salvage and Excess. The first two are based on the Car's original market value and the third one on the actual crash conditions of the vehicle and its condition in the accident. The depreciation is the deduction of every expense incurred by the car owner from its original purchase price and this money is being saved forever. While the depreciation may seem simple, the actual value which gets assessed is extremely complex. The Car is first depreciated as per the year of purchase to arrive at its value as per the year in which it.