To be a Christian is to recognize in Jesus Christ, the GOAL OF ALL THINGS — including the goal of the ‘history of redemption’ the Bible (from Genesis through to Revelation). Because Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God ( Colossians 1.15–20 ; 2.9–10 ; Hebrews 1.3 ) we see HIM as the one towards whom ALL the former revelation of God (the Old Testament) is leading, and in whom it is fulfilled, and given its meaning. That the Old Testament anticipates the New, and is fulfilled in the New, is underlined by many general statements of the New Testament — Eg — “In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets ; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things” (Hebrews 1.1–2). “For all the promises of God find their ‘Yes’ in him” (2 Corinthians 1.20). “We bring you the good-news that what God promised to the fathers, this he has fulfilled to us their children by raising Jesus” (Acts 13.32–33). “Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself” (Luke 24.27). It is important that we understand very clearly that this fact of the Old Testament’s progression towards a fulfilment in the New, is not merely an invitation to understand Jesus Christ as the end of the process. It is also a demand that the whole Bible be understood in the light of the Gospel. It means that Jesus Christ is the KEY to the interpretation of the whole Bible. What was their angle? It is not sufficient to stress the ethics of the man Jesus of Nazareth out of context of the saving acts of God , nor to stress the supernatural presence of Christ with the believer out of the context of the meaning of the historical humanity of God come to earth in the flesh. To be clear about the significance of Christ for interpreting the Bible ! It should be realized than when we speak of Jesus Christ as the KEY to interpretation we must speak of Jesus Christ as he is revealed — the Christ of the New Testament Gospel.
We also have to recognize that Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, has redeemed us for ALL that is GOOD (Galatians 3.22–23), and we MUST make God our DOORSTEP — not any old door, but the door of Jesus Christ that says : “For The WHO HAS INCLINED ME. TO HIM WILL I COME.” (John 16.7f). Jesus had to be incarnate for that, but he had to be incarnate OUT OF TIME (a new creation, in the sense of a new cosmos, new cosmos, new Creation from top to bottom in order to realize the new creation he promised all that was GOOD). Jesus had to be incarnate, and incarnate OUT OF TIME, to be the key to the Bible. This new incarnation has opened up to us a new window to a new universe. We have already heard in a previous chapter that what is the basis of the new.