When reading, we all picture in our minds the story being told. The role of the illustrator is to bring those ideas to life! Children’s books are usually 32 pages long. (If the book is longer, it will go up in 8-page increments). The 32 pages includes the end-pages (the white or decorated pages at the beginning and end of the book), the title page, and the copyright/dedication page. So the author has an average of 26 pages to tell the story. In general, the first page of text is a right-hand page, and the last page of text is on the left. It is useful to break the story into 26 sections, put the text of each section on a separate piece of paper, and staple those pages together. Now that you have a mock-up you can plan what you will draw. A good writer will make sure each spread (two facing pages) encompass a different scene from those before and after, and provide a reason for readers to want to turn the page to see what comes next. As a freelance illustrator, I enjoy working with authors who have stories to tell. A good illustration can complement and enhance the ideas of the writer and often times those collaborations can be magical!
I like to print all my books in color.