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Is There A Formula For Writing A Good Resume?

Write a resume for a specific target company and position. (Even if your goal is to make a generic resume, it’s more effective to practice making targeted ones first). Put in adequate hours. I’d say if you don’t have a resume or have a crappy one, then anything less than 20 hours of focused work won’t get you anywhere. I often recommend putting at least 40. Leverage your network. Get 5 friends, ideally who also experienced in interviewing candidates like you, ask them to help with resume. What you think is your final version that looks very complete to you, is actually “first draft” that you will send them to one of those friends for the first round of feedback. Carefully process all of the feedback, and send him an updated version for the next round. Make iterations until he thinks it’s perfect. Then show it to another friend, etc.

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