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Is There A Quora Feature You Dislike?

The fact that someone could delete your comment because of the simple fact that t don't like your opinion. I've seen it numerous times with answers that have thousands of views. I'm debating against someone in their comment section with a differing opinion and yet my answer gets deleted which automatically makes it look the other person was right. This and Quora be nice policy are probably one of the worst features I've seen. I've never deleted anyone's comments just off the difference of opinion out of all my answers. The power quora gives the writers are insane when you don't even recieve a dime from writing it.

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Edit 2: “You should stop deleting comments if you aren't sure you're right or right for the topic” — If you are posting it's perfectly fine, in fact it should be encouraged, to delete the comments, so you can start fresh, and you can get to the point at which a different topic would be brought up. Edit 3: I also don't understand the problem, why don't you delete the comments you disagree with if it's on a different topic? Edit 4: I have never had issues with people deleting comments I disagree with. Edit 5: I don't see why Quora is so offensive as it's the worst part of Quora. Edit 6: When I delete comments I can make other people see other people's answers. Edit 7: If a comment is deleted and someone else replies, they get deleted too. Edit 8: I've never had problem deleting someone's.

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