Rebrandable. Give it away an allow to download and rebrand and add their affiliate ID’s when t pass it on. T can read the ebook and once t see the value explain how t can give this ebook and earn income just as the affiliate that shared this. Everyone that download and pays the upgrade are joining you in programs that are essential and you earn affiliate commissions from each program in your ebook. You build a targeted audience that you have instant authority and credibility that see you as an expert that understands their challenges and are earning income from your ebook. It allows you to put your audience interest first and show that you want to earn income with them, not from them. You create a community of loyal members to improve their skills with never push products without having a relationship with their audience. Thanks for participating…More Details.
The Offer. If e-books, audio or video files of your presentation are accepted in this project and not a profit, please let us know via our contact form. What You'll Need. Please contact me for all the details about the materials you want included with your pledge, so I can get something organized. ‹‹‹ I have to have a business card. ‹‹‹ Thank you very much. ‹‹‹ You're welcome. ‹‹‹ Thank you. ‹‹‹ I love you too. ‹‹‹ Thank you. ‹‹‹ Thank you. ‹‹‹ That is what I like to call a “Yes! Thank you”.