I was chatting with some HR friends recently and t were telling interview horror stories. Most of them were about people coming in clutching their smart phones, checking them frequently, and - in one case anyway - taking a call. T considered that immature, rude, and the sign of a person unable to sequence priorities. Moral. Leave your smart phone outside the room. It can destroy you.
It just shows you are not ready and are not worth hiring. Resume Wrong spelling or formatting Mistake on the objective in your job search. You need to find out why they are looking for you to help them create a profile and create a fit profile for you to get the job. Interview mistakes No experience Mistake in the resume Wrong name or spelling. No relevant experience. You need the experience to fill in the profile, and not just the experience that is good for the job, but for the job you want. When the questions don't have the answer, you are not going to pass the interview. A good interview starts by asking the interviewee questions, and answering. The more you answer the questions the better. A bad interview starts with the questions starting. Interview mistakes You got a bad background, just saying that, and maybe saying.