The answer depends on too many factors to lay out here. tl;dr - 3 months to 15 years with a fair range of 9 months to 2 years Most often, the script is written and rewritten by more than one person and it goes through developmental stages before being filmed. It’s not unheard of for big budget films to have a dozen writers working on a script before filming begins. It is often rewritten during filming… usually by someone other than the original writer. Here’s the dirt… a professional writer will write a script and then let it go without much concern as to what happens to it. And what I hear from people who are higher up the food chain than I am is this, “If the final product on screen looks anything like what you were paid to create, it’s a miracle.”
The truth is that no matter how hard a writer works, he isn't going to get what he paid for. That’s why I think that the best writers out there are artists, not storytellers. Once a script is produced, a producer, or director, will decide if the script has the “potential” to receive funds as a theatrical release. We have seen at least three projects released over the last seven years as theatrical films that were written by more than one writer… three films released in that period were written by one writer, while another writer wrote another.