Often? Probably not. My reasoning below contains a lot of assumptions and guesses, since there are no official figures and stats, but I think it's accurate enough. I'll estimate that there are less than 1000 people who were ever named Top Writer here, and that about a third of these people are from the most represented countries here. the US and India. The other 2/3 are scattered around the globe. And while it is of course possible to have friends outside your country, especially for people with such a strong Internet presence, as active Quora users tend to have, I think the vast majority of anyone's friends are found within their country of residence. So, now we have about 650 people with very little chance of having known each other from before. The remaining 350 are split between two countries, but these are two HUGE countries, which also reduces the possibility that these Top Writers had known each other before Quora. I'd keep the 1/3 + 2/3 ratio here as well, and assume that two thirds of these people are relatively isolated geographically from the other Top Writers. The remaining 1/3 (120 people) are those who live close enough to other Top Writers that t might have met at some point. I'll estimate again that a maximum of 10% of these people would have actually known each other before Quora. That means a final result of 12 Top Writers who have known each other from before Quora. Note. There are many other aspects to factor in. a reducing factor. the ages of Top Writers. There are Top Writers who are 18, and Top Writers who are 80. Less chance for them to have met before. an increasing factor. schools, academia, San Francisco. There's no secret that the concentration of Top Writers that have gone to similar schools, colleges, or that work in the San Francisco area is higher, so there's also a higher chances of them having met. an increasing factor. people who brought friends on Quora. It is not unlikely that a Top Writer would have several of their friends join Quora, and that one of those could become a Top Writer themselves. Considering these, I'll round the final figure to about 15-20 Top Writers who might have known each other from before Quora.
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