I think IQ to Street Smart is the same as IQ to a Mathmetician or an Attorney. For example, one can be low IQ yet rely on survival instincts, which have evolved over thousands of years to navigate their environment, yet appear or be environmentally intelligent by being more in tune with instinct. However, assuming that Street Smart here means to operate with deliberate intent to achieve a particular outcome, then we are still talking about a person of high IQ. High IQ will allow someone to obse...
I never ask for help from other people. I do more homework than any 12-year-old boy in my school. This is my own secret. And I want you to try. This is a little hard for you to get. I guess people who have it more easily than me, must have it since a young age. I want to help you. Do your job. Go to school. Be smart. And study the things you love while you love them. And remember that we have a right to be happy, but we also need to respect each other's right that does not cause harm to ourselves. We need to respect each other's family, friends, and neighbors, and all that is good in our society. This doesn look too complicated. But it is. People with higher IQs have so much experience with this. People with a high IQ can learn about.