Keep learning Java deeply. Basics will not get you far. Learn OOP, TDD, Collections etc. very well. Make small projects to test what you have learned and then, only then look for a job.
Become a master of the code. This does not mean learning by heart. Learning by understanding is only helpful if you have the time to work on it. Learning by reading a book is much better. Some books include source code or python programs. However, their quality is not very high. Most programming books focus on programming with python. If your goal is to learn python to job applications then you need to read a good book to understand the topic of the book. If you only need to learn python for working on a project then you don’t need a book to teach you the fundamentals. Just do a few examples and get comfortable with them. 3. Create an online training course. You can buy many python online programs. They usually include projects, tutorials, and exercises. The courses range from beginner to advanced to explain all aspect of python. A good example of a python online training course is: 4. Write a book..