I have seen thousands and thousands of resumes and over time t tend to look mostly cut from the same cloth. My view is that a resume gives me, the recruiter/hiring executive, a summary overview of a career, but does it in the following ways. Dates – very important to me – I want to see when a person graduated from school (gives a good sense for overall experience level), and I want to see that the dates between jobs don’t have major gaps Jobs – Are the companies relevant to me? Are the companies great breeding grounds for executives? Are the job moves frequent or is there stability? Contact information – Do I know the city where a person is based and can I call or email her? In the end, I use the resume to see overall experience, job stickiness and relevance, and contact information. The rest of the details will be fleshed out during a phone call or interview.
Now, here's the problem: My job search is not very effective. I am constantly looking for a job. I don't know where one should start looking. My experience has been that job hunting is an endless cycle of looking and looking and moving on. After 10 months of job hunter (read: not much actually doing), some companies have hired me on the first time or at all, but then I get hired later because of a new company coming on board. The only real way to improve my success rate is to be on the lookout and take actions. If you follow my advice and I have to give you a little of advice, my advice would simply be: A) Be on the lookout for what you consider the basic and major “skills” that every company will be looking for in your job search. There are some basic skills I consider “skills” that are.