Effective note-taking is far more about technique than tool. Pen and paper are easily the most effective tools, if a laptop is out of the question. You can organize the notes you take by developing a system ahead of time and sticking to it. Note that all the best televised journalists don't sit down for interviews with a laptop ready to go, and certainly not an iPad. Those tools are just not appropriate to conducting interviews. If you're focused on the subject instead of your own materials and equipment, you will be a better journalist. Have a list of questions you want to ask, and take down notes in shorthand during the interview. Record the whole thing in audio or AV, so transcripts can be done later (see Brian Fey's @ to this question). If it's worth interviewing someone, it's worth the systematic effort to conduct the interview properly.
Don't be afraid to rework your questions, but avoid making your interview a “gotcha interview” by asking about the specifics of the story in every question. Questions can be open-ended, as long as you're always focusing on the topic at hand. Interview questions focus on the subject, with little or no regard to the technique used. Try to be specific about the questions you ask, and how they will affect the outcome. A good rule of thumb is to never ask them more than twice. If the questions themselves take up too much time, skip them. If they are difficult to answer after reading everything you want to know, then skip them. Do one interview per topic. If you ask a complicated question, the other interview subject should be a bit more specific. In summary, you can interview in three ways. 1. Direct Interviews. You'll be interviewing yourself.