Download the Poppler Utilities, a command-line set of PDF tools pdftohtml will do this. The package is readily installable on Linux. The Windows executables can be downloaded from Poppler for Windows
After that go to “File” menu and select “PDF from File” option available under “Create”. This action will open up the window to select and upload the webpage (HTML file). Simply select & upload the file. The file will be automatically converted to PDF format on upload. Finally, save the PDF file using “Save” option under “File” menu or simply press “Command + S” on Mac or “Ctrl + S” on Windows PC. 5. Create HTML/JPG/BMP image files as a PDF. One of the features of Adobe Photoshop that is very important for digital photography is its powerful layer management. Adobe Photoshop has also a built-in option called “Automate” that allows you to create your own custom layer names for each group of layers. In my experience, these names are not all unique as most of them are pretty generic, but some are rather.