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What Is The Craziest Thing You Have Ever Said Or Done At An Interview?

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What Is The Craziest Thing You Have Ever Said Or Done At An Interview?

*Enters interview room. Greets the interviewer. Sits down.* *Insert couple of typical interview questions here* Interviewer (Goes through my resume. Curiously reads about my college project). " I see that you have done your project in 'D'jango. Tell me more about 'D'jango " Me. Sir, its pronounced Django. The 'D' is silent. *awkward silence. I got a hunch that I might have successfully screwed this interview up * Me. *Explains more about django and python. The interviewer seems to be impressed* Interviewer then asks a couple of puzzles that I was to able to answer quite easily. Got the job! PS . For those who don't get it, Django (web framework) is a web framework built in python. Django is pronounced as "jang-oh" (the D being silent). The usage "Django, the D is silent" appears in the movie Django Unchained (2012 movie).

Add Page Numbers to PDF: All You Need to Know

Django is used in the movie to call the law enforcement officers who beat Django. Django is used to play the piano (when Django is a kid). When Django sings to the baby, his “o'whiskey”, or drum beats, are a nod to his hometown of (O'hare) in Florida. Django is also used in a song which describes the feelings towards an absent or unloving father. When Django is at the party, he is playing a piano. This is similar to the movie when Django sings the theme song from the movie “Django” to Marion in “Django Unchained.” Astonished. The interviewer did not understand this explanation. The interviewer asked me to re-write the part in the movie where he sings to Baby the theme song from the movie.” 'Django Unchained' is based on the true story (from 16th — 18th century) of Bill the Butcher, who is hanged.

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