This answer is not specific to APA style, but I think I can answer. You are correct that you need to let the reader know the source of your information and a single citation may not be enough. It isn’t good form to have large blocks of information taken from single sources. It suggests that you are just copying information without adding much to it. But sometimes it does work out that way. Perhaps there is only one source and it is important to take several points from it. So try not to put yourself in this position often, but make it clear when you do. The bottom line is that you want your reader to know where the information comes from. If you have several sentences, this means you will be making several different statements. You could, indeed, use the same citation for each statement. It may seem a little awkward, but it can get the job done. A better way is to write a paragraph with a topic sentence that sets up a series of statements and contains the reference. For example… “Three important questions on this subject were articulated by Smith and Jones (1993). (1) how did the … blah, blah; (2) where did the … blah, blah; and (3) at what time did the … blah, blah”. Here I have used the Harvard style for citations (name, year) for clarity.
The next sentence uses another name for the issue. (4) In this case the … blah, blah, blah; (5) the …”blah, blah” in … blah, blah; (6) the …”blah, blah” in … blah, blah; and (7) the …”blah, blah” in … blah, blah. If this is all too hard to understand for the reader, you might use a heading. In this case, a heading has the same meanings as a list item, but is used for shorter or shorter material than a list. (8) The … blah, blah; (9) the …”blah, blah” in … blah, blah; (10) the “… blah, blah” in … blah, blah; and (11) the “… blah, blah” in … blah, blah. As you can see, you can go in either direction here”–” Heading or Citation. It is fine to put both in a single.