I'm currently taking online lectures to get my Bachelor's. I just completed my first term. I think my biggest problem is time management, since I'm a full-time worker. I just completed my first term, and God..I failed in some subjects so I have to re-attend some classes in the upcoming term. It was okay for the first few weeks. But as my work loads went crazy, I found it really hard to just take an hour or two to finish my assignments or read the modules given by my lecturers. Another possible challenge about attending an online course is how to maintain your enthusiasm/motivation without any "actual" interaction. But as long as you can keep it strong and you are determined, I think you can finish what you started.
It's all because of this problem that in 2014, the school is in bad condition and needs to be closed down, We'll try our best in the year 2016 to solve these and other problems in our school so that we can become once again the center of excellence in South Africa. I want to thank all the students and staff for their loyalty to our school I want to thank all my friends and family for their kindness, support and patience. Furthermore, I am praying for all my students as you see from the last line. My prayers are with them.