Going from pre-Yosemite to Yosemite was a pretty big performance loss for me. There's a lot of background stuff that goes on, including downloading of updates, and unless you are familiar with launchctl to turn certain things off, this will impact your bandwidth cap your ISP imposes ( if any), your CPU utilization, and your memory usage. Going to El Capitan from Yosemite was mostly benign; there's a couple of "reportable bugs" in things like Mail.App, but in general, it didn't end up making things worse than Yosemite made them. It's mostly some changes, with little regression. So if you are pre Yosemite, and go El Capitan, expect the same loss you would have had, had you gone to Yosemite. Look at it as a stabilization release for El Capitan, and something that will save you some iCloud and sync headaches, if you also have iPhones or other devices that also get an updated version of the OS. Pretty much, if you have multiple devices, it's a good idea to keep them all at the same version level so that things like your AddressBook don't go insane in terms of deleted contacts coming back and other weird behavior because of version mismatches in the back end database versus the software on a specific device.
If any of this does not work for you, don't despair. What may work for you may not work at all for you. The update is coming, as of this writing, to those users with Macs that are equipped with a USB 2.0 port. For those who do not have USB 2.0 ports to plug in their devices when they turn on their computers, and who have the current version of OS X installed, you may need to update your bootloader. To do this, first, download and run this installer.