Thanks for the Page Numbering Online What’s the downside of using the Amazon version of the ISBN for publishing your book? Places that provide you a free ISBN list themselves, not you as a publisher. Some stores will not purchase books that list Amazon as the publisher (as Amazon is seen as the competition). Be warned, some places say t are giving you an ISBN when t are actually giving you a product code for sales, such as the Amazon ASIN number. This triply applies to e-books. Very few places give a real ISBN for e-books. Amazon does give real ISBNs, but not for e-books. Generally, an ISBN you get from someplace for free cannot be used at other places, whereas you can use your own ISBN anywhere. Until someone mucks it up, like KDP using Ingram to print the books, which uses the ISBN as the file for the book, so only one of you can use Ingram with that ISBN. Which is why you cannot use an Amazon issued ISBN in other places—t’ve already used up many of the advantages of an ISBN you would have had. All that said, does it really matter? Do you really care? If you are only publishing with Amazon, you probably don’t. Here is a little more on the topic. James Sams's answer to Are there any disadvantages enabling KDP expanded distribution for my self-published book? James Sams's answer to If a book has an Amazon ISBN identifier and also an ISBN bought from Bowker (for instance) would t both go on the cover at the same time, or would t just be printed on specifically for Amazon/Non Amazon publishers? James Sams's answer to What is the risk if I bought one ISBN from a non-official ISBN agency (like ISBN What will happen if my book’s ISBN is owned by other agencies or people? James Sams's answer to Should I get an ISBN if I want to publish a book online, and what for?
Once you've uploaded it to your print on demand service and got the PDF file open, you can just hit ⏎️⍰️⍰️ to add your ISBN to your PDF file. The PDF file will then have the proper copyright information.