Cheaper prices are related to cheaper hardware. Apple controls hardware and allows only certified hardware, Microsoft doesn't give a damn about it and so you can run Windows on any tin box. It's probably overpriced, but a Mac is a warhorse and it can last for years and years (mine is 5 years old). A Windows PC is often unusable after a couple of years because every Windows version requires more hardware resources. macOS is much more stable, less exposed to malware and more user-friendly. I keep it on for weeks, never had a problem. Can you do it with a Windows machine? macOS upgrades are free, while you have to pay for upgrading to a new Windows version, which doesn't make sense. I bought your OS, why do I have to pay again for upgrades? That's because all Microsoft cares about is to sell its OS and its new whopping (?) devices. Though t announced Windows 10 as a free upgrade (like someone has reminded me), this decision comes after Apple has released two upgrades (Mavericks and Yosemite) free of charge in the last two years. Coincidence? Windows is annoying and chatty. It prompts you for things that shouldn't require any action from you and has the bad habit of forcing you to reboot almost every time you update or install something, sometimes causing you to get stuck for hours. With Windows you spend more time maintaining and tweaking the OS than using it. A bad memory management often causes freezes and hangs. Do we want to mention that mess called Windows Registry, malware vulnerabilities, error messages that don't make any sense, fragmentation? The list can go on forever. Cheaper? It depends on what you want to do with a Windows PC. If you want a high-end gaming PC, you need two top-notch video cards and numerous other high-end components, and you can spend much more than what you spend for a Mac. Personally, computers are my job and I'm not willing to spend a fortune to play games (unless t pay me for it) but you can, if you like and can afford it. Unlike what someone might think, I'm not an Apple fan boy but I used ALL operating systems and, as of now, I'm studying Linux. Not a Windows huge fan for sure, even though I've used it for years and still use it for some of my classes.
This was not always the case of course, and there are still that I do not agree with personally — e.g. the 3,000 per year for Mac Pros, which main a lot of value to me compared to the value I get from the alternatives — especially in the case of some of these machines that are able to make some serious use of Nvidia graphics as well. Macs have a long way to go, but I think as the years progress and the market matures and improves, Apple computers will get better and better. You can’t expect anything less right now. The future is not even being planned yet. With Apple, you can have whatever you want when you want it — this is a good thing. With a Mac, you can build exactly what you want, whenever you want it, and at whatever price you want. The.