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Why Does My Phd Advisor Insist I Master Vim?

Condensed C & DSA quickly learn the following. If-else and nested if-else construct in C for loop (thoroughly) while loop and do while loop Structures Arrays 1D, 2D & 3D Character Arrays & String manipulation Call by Value Vs Call by Reference Pointers Pointer-to-pointer Recursive functions. How t work, Types of recursive functions Understand , practice and memorize these programs/implementations in C (or language of your choice). Binary Search (depends on sorting, because is done on a sorted list) Quick Sort Bubble Sort Merge Sort Heap Sort Insertion Sort Selection Sort Lists (SLL, DLL, CLL) Stack and Multi-Stack Queue, Circular Queue, Double ended Queue and Multi-queue Binary Search Tree (Ops. Insertion, Traversal ( all three), Searching) Graph Representation DFS and BFS Prim’s Algorithm Kruskal’s Algorithm Learning this much is possible in 3 months. Take help of a guide or the sites like geeks4geeks . 90% of the softwares you will be developing in future as software developers/engineers will involve these programmes only (as componets/building-blocks).

Add Page Numbers to PDF: All You Need to Know

Now, you might ask, “Well, I hate Unix, how the hell am I going to make use of Python?” Well, Python is very useful!  The fact is, it is a scripting language. A scripting language is an integrated application language. It can be used to write complex applications in the shell or in any text editor. So, what you're looking for in a scripting language is, the ability to control the execution of various functions inside a code line. So, what happens in Python is, you write your script, put it in a file, and let it execute.   And if it does something right, it prints a message to the screen. This is pretty awesome. In my opinion Python excels at the kinds of automation that are important for the web/web-scale stuff. Basically, there are things in the shell that the server/computer does, and then there are things the applications.

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